Today’s Modern Oil Heat

Today’s Oilheat is a great value!

Heating oil is dependable, abundant, and is economically beneficial. Oilheat remains an affordable and value-packed choice.

Oilheat is economical Adjusted for inflation, the price of heating oil is actually less than it was in 1980! Plus, competition among local Oilheat companies helps to ensure a better value.

Oilheat is efficient Thanks to major advancements being made in Oilheat burner technology, some Oilheat systems now boast efficiency ratings of over 95%! Modern Oilheat equipment actually burns LESS fuel. The average annual fuel consumption in 1973 was 1,294 gallons – today it’s only 833 gallons – that’s 35% less fuel.

Oilheat is dependable There will always be a plentiful supply, even during the coldest winter months. In fact, the United States has a Strategic Petroleum Reserve with a capacity of 720 million barrels — the world’s largest emergency oil stockpile — in addition to a two-million-barrel heating oil reserve. In the United States, new advancements in exploration and recovery have unlocked tremendous reserves of high quality oil that will last into the next century, no longer are we reliant on foreign imports.

Oilheat’s price is right New England has always relied on oil as a primary heating fuel. Because we have no natural gas in the North East, the costs and pipe line supply limitations of natural gas has historically always made heating with gas a poor choice. Compared to the Consumer Price Index, which represents the average prices consumers pay on a wide range of products, Oilheat has increased about half as much. In comparison, medical care has increased in cost by nearly 400%.

Oil heat is safe Heating oil is very safe to store and handle. You may be surprised to know that an open container of heating oil will not ignite by an open flame – it needs to be run through an oil burner. By comparison, natural and propane gas have been involved in many destructive explosions, several have resulted in injury, even deaths. Even carbon monoxide is much more prevalent with gas burning equipment than oil fired equipment.

Oil heat is Clean Home heating oil is a clear, rosy-red liquid that is non-toxic, biodegradable and has no carcinogens. Oil heat burns at a level of overall cleanliness approaching 99.9% and unlike gas carries no risk of explosion. In fact, oil heat emissions have such low output they aren’t even regulated by the Federal Clean Air Act.
Because of its high efficiency and cleanliness, oil heat systems have an amazingly small impact on the environment. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency says that modern oil burners are one of the cleanest combustion sources available. They release near zero levels of smoke and combustion discharge and produce less greenhouse gas than natural gas systems. Home heating oil is also non-toxic and biodegradable. It all means that oil heat remains a responsible environmental choice for heating your home.

We’re glad you are interested in today’s modern oil heat. Chair City Oil is proud to be part of an industry that is constantly improving for your safety, comfort, efficiency, and preserving our environment.