Heat Saving Tips Can Help With Saving Money In Summer Months



While researching facts for a future news post on how to lower heating costs it came to our attention that by using the same techniques, our clients can help to lower summer energy costs.


By changing just a few things in the summer ( and winter) you can save money!



1. Get a heating system tuneup — it’ll ensure you get maximum performance from every drop of heating oil burned.  During the summer, you can modify this easily!  Make sure filters are changed, new and frequently cleaned to ensure your air conditioner is running at maximum output.

2.  Open shades and drapes when the sun is out to let it help warm your home. Close them when the sun goes down.  Close shades and drapes during summer months to block outside heat from coming in.  Even though it is nice to see the bright sunlight, it is heating your home while your air conditioner is trying to cool it.


3. Turn back the thermostat at night or when you are away from home; for every degree you lower your thermostat for 8 hours or more each day, you’ll save 2 percent on your heating bill.  Remember to put your air conditioner on low at night.  The sun is no longer shining and while you sleep, less air conditioning is needed to cool your home.


4. Stop drafts by eliminating any gaps between your door and the threshold on the floor. Use a bottom seal that can be attached to the bottom of the door – it should brush up against the floor to seal up the threshold.  This tip is the same winter or summer!


5. Caulk or re-caulk exterior spaces between the windows and walls of your home.  Just as heat can escape so can cooler air from inside.  Closing all gaps will help winter or summer.


6. Close your kitchen vent, fireplace damper and closet doors when not in use.  These areas let cold air in during the winter and warm air in during the summer.


With a few tips winter, and summer heating costs can come down! For more information watch our news section for more tips!